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Only Way, Answering The Argument That All Religions Are More Or Less True.

Will my mother be in heaven?" ten-year-old Lexi asked her adoptive parents. Lexi wanted to know whether her birth mother, who was from India and had died without ever having heard the gospel, would be saved. Lexi had an obvious personal reason for asking this question, but it is one that most Christians encounter at some point: Can anyone be saved who has not heard and accepted the gospel?

Recently I attended a meeting at my son's middle school where parents were introduced to sex-education materials for our children. There are students in this school from over 30 countries, composing a mosaic of the world's religions. It occurred to me that most of those people from other religions who sat beside me that night maintain high sexual standards that are far closer to my own views than are those of the "average" secular American. I felt. strangely positive about and even grateful for the presence of believers of other faiths in my community. . .

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Daniel B. Clendenin

Daniel B. Clendenin, Author, founded the Journey with Jesus webzine in 2004. He earned his Ph.D. from Drew University (1985). He then taught at William Tyndale College in Michigan (1985–1991), and at Moscow State University (1991–1995) in the former Department of Scientific Atheism. Dan joined InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Stanford University in 1995 and worked with faculty and graduate students until 2003. He has traveled in 40 countries. Dan's publications include the following books: Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Western Perspective, Eastern Orthodox Theology: A Contemporary Reader, Many Gods, Many Lords; Christianity Encounters World Religions, Problems in Christian Philosophy, co-editor and From the Coup to the Commonwealth; An Inside Look at Life in Contemporary Russia.


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