Dear Lord,
Thank you for loving me enough to die for me to
give me eternal life.
Please give me a heart to love others as You love them:
To be patient, kind, and thoughtful,
Not envious, or making myself out to be better than others,
Or always thinking of my own self first.
Help me to never think unkindly about anyone,
or be easily annoyed,
But to forgive as I would be forgiven.
Bless all those who have been unkind to me,
and help them to repent and turn to You.
Forgive me for all the unkind things I have done to others.
Make me brave, faithful, truthful, and committed to You,
Growing in Your Love always,
For that is the only thing that lasts forever:
Faith, hope, and love,
But the greatest of these is love.
In Jesus’ Name,
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