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Questions I'd Ask Before Following Jesus

What are the risks and rewards of being a disciple?

By Gordon McDonald

I am romanced by airplanes. And part of the attraction has included the dream of possessing a pilot's license. A longtime fantasy: me screaming down the runway (in a plane of course) with one hand on the yoke and the other one on the throttle. That fantasy is almost 50 years old.

Flying lessons have always remained on life's waiting list for me. There were other more pressing demands. College for example or raising children, or book deadlines, or a church congregation. . .

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Gordon MacDonald

Gordon MacDonald, Speaker, has been a pastor and author for more than fifty years. He served as Chancellor at Denver Seminary, as editor-at-large for Leadership Journal, and as a speaker at leadership conferences around the world. His books include Building Below the Waterline, Who Stole My Church, A Resilient Life and Ordering Your Private World.


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