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Introduction to Study Guide


Lyle Dorsett, who has been the Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism at Beeson Divinity School since 2005, began studying the spiritual formation of C.S. Lewis because he wanted to understand how Lewis developed spiritually. From the time of his conversion he began to grow into the increasingly mature Christian who would have a positive impact on many people. Dorsett’s research involved numerous trips to Britain over seven years, scores of formal oral history interviews with people who knew Lewis, and studying Lewis’s books and many of his letters. As he worked on this topic, Dorsett found that his own spiritual disciplines and approach to growing in the faith were changed.

In this six-part video series, Dorsett shares what he learned about Lewis’s spiritual formation, including what factors were involved in shaping him into a mature and influential Christian. He also calls us to consider what elements we can take ourselves and put into practice. The video series was recorded at the 2016 C.S. Lewis Institute Summer Conference held at the Marion E. Wade Center, Wheaton College.

This Study Guide is designed to facilitate and enhance use of the videos by small groups. It may also be used by individuals for personal study and reflection.

Needed Resources: In order to follow this Study Guide, you will need access to the Internet. An electronic version of the Study Guide is available on the C.S. Lewis Institute website, which includes links to the videos and other needed resources. There is no charge for the electronic Study Guide or other needed resources. You may find it helpful to also have a printed copy of the Study Guide.
Using this Study Guide for Small Groups: This Study Guide includes suggested outlines for six small group sessions, corresponding to the six videos. The following guidelines are included for each session:

1. Open in prayer
2. Watch video You will need between 45 minutes and about an hour to watch the video, depending on the session. (Note that while the video for Session 6 is 75 minutes, the primary talk ends after about 55 minutes. A Q&A period follows which can be shortened or omitted if you wish to keep the video within a one-hour period.)
3. Group Discussion The Study Guide includes several questions for each session to facilitate group discussion.
4. Read a Reflections (1 page) Reflections is a one-page resource published by the C.S. Lewis Institute which provides a key message for daily living from the thought of C.S. Lewis. We suggest that one (or more) of the participants in the small group read the linked Reflections aloud.
5. Close in prayer

You can vary this schedule to account for the amount of available time, and may wish to include a time for fellowship and refreshment.

The Study Guide also includes Personal Action Steps, for participants to prayerfully consider on their own.

Download the Study Guide:

<< CONTENTS    INTRO    1       3    4        6  7  APPENDIX >>

Lyle Dorsett

Lyle Dorsett, Professor, holds the Billy Graham Chair of Evangelism at Beeson Divinity School in Samford University. He taught courses in evangelism, spiritual formation and church history. He also serves as the pastor of Christ the King Anglican Church in Homewood, Alabama. Lyle received his PhD in American history and has published numerous books, including several Christian biographies and three works on C. S. Lewis.  

COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.

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