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Prompts to Help You Pray

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The prayer for this month is a very old one and makes the connection between our human desire for Truth and our knowledge of God as His followers. The language of the prayer has been slightly updated, but the meaning is the same.


Almighty God,

We pray that You will show the Light of Your Truth to all
those who live in falsehood,
In order that they may return into Your Way
of righteousness,
And grant to all of us who belong to the fellowship of Your
Son Jesus Christ,
That we may avoid all the things that go against our faith,
And follow all the things that are in accordance
with its Truth,
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.


For more Prayer Prompts for families, please click here.

C.S. Lewis Institute

C.S. Lewis Institute, in the legacy of C.S. Lewis, works to develop wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ who will articulate, defend, share, and live their faith in personal and public life. Founded in 1976 by Dr. James Houston and James R. Hiskey, the Institute provides leading teachers who address important issues of the day from the perspective of Biblical orthodoxy, while also providing discipleship for individuals in small groups.


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