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The Practice of Prayer - Part 8

Prayer for the disciple of Christ is like breathing. It is essential for maintaining a vibrant and healthy spiritual life. Any good relationship needs regular and honest communication. Prayer is one of the primary ways in which we build our relationship with our heavenly Father. A simple definition of prayer is, “talking with God.” That implies a two-way conversation in which we are both listening to Him and sharing our thoughts with Him. And the good news is that the Lord desires to be in a communicative relationship with us. The bad news is that our own sinful nature, the pressures of life in this world, and the evil one conspire daily to hinder our prayer life. The intent of this study is to both encourage us to enjoy the gift of prayer daily and to battle all the forces that would try to prevent us from growing in our relationship with the Lord.

This resource is part of a series on Heart & Mind Discipleship . Click here to listen to the full series

Amy Orr-Ewing

Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing is an international author, speaker and theologian who addresses the deep questions of our day with meaningful answers found in the Christian Faith. Travelling internationally Amy is a regular speaker across university campuses, businesses, parliaments, churches and conferences as well as on TV and radio. She holds a PhD in Theology from the University of Oxford and is the author of multiple publications and books including ‘Where is God in All the Suffering?’ and bestselling, ‘Why Trust the Bible?’


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