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Walking in Humility

Humility at times can be like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle; if we think we are humble it might indicate we're too prideful, but if we think we don't have it that might indicate we are humble. With this confusing nature of the virtue of humility, pastor Bill Kynes shares about the way in which we can think about humility and walk in it.

William L. Kynes

William L. "Bill" Kynes is the Senior Fellow for Pastoral Theology at the C.S. Lewis Institute, and retired Senior Pastor of Cornerstone, an Evangelical Free Church, in Annandale, VA, where he served from 1986 - 2022. He majored in Philosophy at the University of Florida, where he also played quarterback and was later inducted into the university’s Athletic Hall of Fame. He attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, receiving an MA in theology. He received an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, before returning to England for a PhD in New Testament from Cambridge University.


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