Fellows Resources
Participants in the C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Programs may use the following “Fellows Resources” during their program. These resources should not be re-published, distributed, or used other than for limited personal use.
Am I Supposed to Love Myself or Hate Myself?
John R. W. Stott discusses questions about the cross that points a way between self-love...Read More
Taking Up the Cross
F. F. Bruce shares on ‘'If any one would come after me, let him deny...Read More
The Controversy Over Lordship Salvation
Ronald Nash explores on the debate over what has become known as “lordship salvation” the...Read More
Bible Passages: Cost of Discipleship
Bible passages to read and meditate upon concerning commitment to Christ & The Cost of...Read More
Theme Study: Commitment & Cost of Discipleship
Dr. Art Lindsley shares how Jesus’ call to discipleship was radical, demanding a renunciation of...Read More
Scripture Points: Commitment & Cost of Discipleship
Dr. Art Lindsley shares Scripture Points for Call to Discipleship and their purposes to be...Read More
What’s Stopping You?
Jill Briscoe discusses Common hindrances that We often do not actively seek a deeper intimacy...Read More
We belong to God not to ourselves
“We are not our own: let not reason nor our will, therefore, sway our plans...Read More
Is Belief in Christ’s Lordship Essential?
A lecture on why the most important and most precious Christian beliefs can become the...Read More
The Good Life
The Good Life Augustine saw more than health and wealth in the Christianity he claimed...Read More