This is a collection of all the C.S. Lewis Institutes resources that have been tagged “Culture”. They offer selected short audio, video, and print messages on key discipleship themes and are in order by most recently published at the top.
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John Lennox Defines Artificial Intelligence
In our modern world artificial intelligence is becoming ubiquitous. But what exactly is artificial intelligence?
Utopia or Dystopia: Science Fiction and Artificial Intelligence
Did George Orwell and Aldous Huxley foresee our modern digital technologies? Lennox explores the pros...Read More
Artificial Intelligence and the Tower of Babel
Is artificial intelligence a quest to become like God? Dr. John Lennox discusses the transhumanist...Read More
Artificial Intelligence and the Nature of Humanity
What does it mean to be human? And how does artificial intelligence shape our perceptions...Read More
Science, Meaning, and Virtual Reality
Are virtual worlds real? Or are they false Edens shattered by the Fall? Dr. John...Read More
The Future of Humanity: Insights from Revelation
In the midst of ever advancing technologies and the consolidation of powers and systems what...Read More
John Lennox Advises Parents on Artificial Intelligence
Are you wondering how you and your family should respond to Artificial Intelligence? As a...Read More
That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis's The Space Trilogy concludes in this thrilling dystopian science fiction novel.
Deconstructing Evangelicalism
Cameron McAllister addresses the recent trend of Christian “deconstruction” wherein popular and well-known evangelicals publicly...Read More
From Narnia to Today
The creator of Narnia and author of dozens of Christian books, C. S. Lewis, may...Read More