When C.S. Lewis gave his lectures which became the book The Abolition of Man, he was not trying to present a biblical argument against moral relativism. Instead, he sought to point to the logical inconsistencies and dangers of a worldview that doesn’t hold to the idea of absolute truth. He did this in part by highlighting the natural law or moral law which is visible in all civilizations and written on the consciences of all human beings as an argument for his thesis. In other words, he focused on what theologians would call “natural revelation” to make his point to the academics he was encountering who might have been agnostic, atheist, humanist or theist in their worldviews.
While this study guide seeks to glean all we can from Lewis’s arguments, we have added a layer of argument against moral relativism that comes out of “special revelation” or the Scriptures so that Christians and non-Christians alike can see at least some of the biblical reasons why moral relativism is bankrupt. For this reason, the C.S. Lewis Institute study guide intentionally begins each study with a short Bible study of God’s Word, as revealed in the Scriptures. For it is our belief that this is the most important way to address any serious question we may have, especially difficult ones. For this reason, it is important to read the biblical passage, meditate on it, and allow it to be your guide as you dive into the study.
The Bible study is followed by readings from Lewis’s book, The Abolition of Man. Because the book deals with difficult topics, it is advised to read through each chapter slowly and take notes.
This is followed by engaging video lectures by Dr. Bryan Hollon, a professor and Dean President of Trinity School for Ministry. Having expertise in theology, philosophy, and the writings of C.S. Lewis, his insights into the issues addressed in this philosophical work of Lewis will help bring many of the lofty ideas down to earth.
Questions are provided to help you process the videos and readings and as discussed below, to aid in group discussion so that you can better learn from one another and reflect upon these issues. You may want to write down your own answers to the questions before you meet together with others to help frame your thoughts.
Finally, in an effort to help you process the material and make this more than just an academic exercise, a Make It Personal action step will be suggested so that you can incorporate some of what you’ve reflected upon into your everyday life.
Our hope at the C.S. Lewis Institute is that not only will you develop some good approaches to dealing with the prevalent cultural ideas of our day, such as moral relativism, but that you will gain a deeper appreciation for the absolute truths or moral laws that God has revealed through both natural revelation and the Scriptures.
2: Discussing The Abolition of Man in a Small Group
Having gained a detailed understanding of The Abolition of Man through your personal reading and use of the study guide, you can go even deeper by studying in community. We encourage you to go through this study guide with a small group.
When your group meets to discuss the book, you can use the study questions you’ve previously worked through to facilitate discussion. You might also share what the Lord has taught you personally through the study and ways that you are praying, living, and sharing your faith differently because of the study.
At the beginning of each study, we encourage you to remember John 8:31b– 32:
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (NIV)
At the end of each session, take time to pray for one another as you go out into the world to love and serve the Lord.
One approach for organizing your small group study would be to divide it into five weekly sessions:
Introductory Meeting: Hand out books and study guides or arrange for participants to obtain these items in advance of the introductory meeting.
Introduce yourselves to one another.
Read aloud the Introduction to The Abolition of Man from the Study Guide.
Watch the first Video with Dr. Bryan Hollon: “Introduction to The Abolition of Man”
Have a short discussion on the video introduction.
Pray for one another and agree to do your homework prior to the next meeting by completing the assignments for Chapter 1, “Men Without Chests.”
Meeting 2: Discussion of Chapter 1, “Men Without Chests.” You may use the questions from the Bible study, readings, video, and “Make It Personal” section to guide your meeting.
Meeting 3: Discussion of Chapter 2, “The Way.” You may use the questions from the Bible study, readings, video, and “Make It Personal” section to guide your meeting.
Meeting 4: Discussion of Chapter 3, “The Abolition of Man.” You may use the questions from the Bible study, readings, video, and “Make It Personal” section to guide your meeting.
Meeting 5: Discussion of Conclusion, “Illustrations of the Tao and Hope for the Future.” You may use the questions from the Bible study, readings, video, and “Make It Personal” section to guide your meeting.
Dean President, Trinity School of MinistryBryan C. Hollon, Ph.D., is Dean President of Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. Previously he served as the City Director of the C.S. Lewis Institute of Northeast Ohio and as a Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Christian Faith & Culture at Malone University. Dr. Hollon was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) in 2015. In 2017, he planted and pastored St. John’s Anglican Church in Canton, Ohio until 2021. As a scholar, Dr. Hollon specializes in ressourcement theology, which is best exemplified in the work of Henri de Lubac. He is also a proponent of the great consensual tradition that C.S. Lewis referred to as “Mere Christianity.”
Joseph A. Kohm
Vice President for Development, CSLI & CSLI City Director, Virginia Beach
Joseph A. Kohm, C.S. Lewis Institute Vice President for Development and City Director for Virginia Beach. Joe is an attorney and formerly worked as a Certified Major League Baseball Player Agent. He earned his Master’s in Management Science from the State University of New York at Oswego and both his J.D. and M.Div. from Regent University. Joe is the author of The Unknown Garden of Another’s Heart: The Surprising Friendship between C.S. Lewis and Arthur Greeves (Wipf and Stock, 2022.)
Joel Woodruff
President, C.S. Lewis Institute
Joel Woodruff, President, C.S. Lewis Institute, has worked in higher education, “tent-making,” nonprofit administration, and pastoral ministries in Alaska, Israel, Hungary, France, and Northern Virginia. He served as Dean of Students, Chaplain, and Professor of Bible & Theology at European Bible Institute, where he helped train Europeans both for professional ministry and to be Christian leaders in the marketplace. Prior to joining the Institute, he was on the leadership team of Oakwood Services International, a nonprofit educational and humanitarian organization. He is a graduate of Wheaton College, earned his M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and has a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University. As a Parish-Pulpit Fellow, he studied Biblical Backgrounds & Archaeology in Israel for a year.
Dean President, Trinity School of MinistryBryan C. Hollon, Ph.D., is Dean President of Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. Previously he served as the City Director of the C.S. Lewis Institute of Northeast Ohio and as a Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Christian Faith & Culture at Malone University. Dr. Hollon was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) in 2015. In 2017, he planted and pastored St. John’s Anglican Church in Canton, Ohio until 2021. As a scholar, Dr. Hollon specializes in ressourcement theology, which is best exemplified in the work of Henri de Lubac. He is also a proponent of the great consensual tradition that C.S. Lewis referred to as “Mere Christianity.”
Vice President for Development, CSLI & CSLI City Director, Virginia Beach
Team Members
Joseph A. Kohm
Vice President for Development, CSLI & CSLI City Director, Virginia Beach
Joseph A. Kohm, C.S. Lewis Institute Vice President for Development and City Director for Virginia Beach. Joe is an attorney and formerly worked as a Certified Major League Baseball Player Agent. He earned his Master’s in Management Science from the State University of New York at Oswego and both his J.D. and M.Div. from Regent University. Joe is the author of The Unknown Garden of Another’s Heart: The Surprising Friendship between C.S. Lewis and Arthur Greeves (Wipf and Stock, 2022.)
Joel Woodruff, President, C.S. Lewis Institute, has worked in higher education, “tent-making,” nonprofit administration, and pastoral ministries in Alaska, Israel, Hungary, France, and Northern Virginia. He served as Dean of Students, Chaplain, and Professor of Bible & Theology at European Bible Institute, where he helped train Europeans both for professional ministry and to be Christian leaders in the marketplace. Prior to joining the Institute, he was on the leadership team of Oakwood Services International, a nonprofit educational and humanitarian organization. He is a graduate of Wheaton College, earned his M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and has a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University. As a Parish-Pulpit Fellow, he studied Biblical Backgrounds & Archaeology in Israel for a year.