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The Journey Begins

Welcome to the Journey Adventure. We invite you to read the President’s Welcome Letter.

The Journey guidebook provides the framework for the Journey experience.  It organizes the study into eighteen small group meetings (two per month), where participants interact and engage in small group discussions on the nine key biblical themes. You can download the Guidebook below:


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The following guidelines are included for each meeting:

1. Opening prayer

2. Scripture Reading

 Taken from the Bible Study that was completed prior to the meeting.

3. Group Discussion

 Includes several questions for each session to facilitate group discussion.

4. Prayer Requests

5. Closing Prayer


There are assignments listed at the end of each meeting, under the heading “Prepare for the Next Meeting.” Links are provided for the videos and other CSLI resources (articles from Knowing & Doing, issues of Broadcast Talks, and Reflections), which are included on the CSLI website.  (The books and booklets which participants need to purchase or otherwise obtain are listed below under “Needed Resources.”)

A table showing the readings, Bible studies, and teaching videos to be completed between sessions is included in Appendix A. You may find it helpful in understanding how the assignments are organized.

The designated readings, Bible studies, and teaching videos were carefully selected as integral parts of the study.  In order to get the most out of Journey, participants are strongly encouraged to complete all of the assignments and attend all of the small group meetings. You will find it easier to complete the assignments if you spread them out over the two-week period between sessions.  In addition, when planning your schedule please allow enough time for thoughtful, reflective engagement with the assignments. Rushing through the assignments will limit the life-changing impact they can have. However, if you are not able to complete the assignments for a meeting, come anyway.  Lastly, if you are not able to come to a meeting, try to let the small group leader know in advance and keep up with the assigned readings, Bible studies, and teaching videos.

Needed Resources

(1)  The Internet.  You will need access to the Internet in order to obtain many of the specified readings and the teaching videos.

(2)  Books.  You will need to purchase or otherwise obtain the following six books, all of which are available from Amazon and two of which are also available as free downloads. Consider obtaining the reading materials in advance to be sure you are ready for your first reading.

(3)  Booklets. You will also need to read the following two booklets, both of which can be downloaded for free:

(4)  Study Bible. A number of good Study Bibles are available, and you might consider asking your pastor for a recommendation. Three that we recommend are:

  • ESV Study Bible (Crossway; Wayne Grudem, General Editor)
  • NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (previously published as the Zondervan NIV Study Bible) (Zondervan, D.A. Carson, General Editor)
  • Life Application Study Bible (Tyndale House Publishers; available in several translations).

(5)  Notebook.  We also recommend that you have a notebook to record your insights and other significant information during your reading, video viewing, Bible study, and small group sessions.

How to Grow through the Journey Adventure

Although this study has been designed to foster significant transformation of life and preparation for engaging the world for Christ, that outcome is not automatic. The study’s impact on your life is directly proportional to the depth of your commitment to and engagement with it. Or, to put it slightly differently, you will only get out of it what you put into it. It is therefore essential for you to reorder your life to seek God more earnestly in the days ahead. This is chiefly a matter of the heart’s desire for intimacy with God.  However, to be realized, this desire must be expressed in concrete ways.

  • If we want to know God more intimately, we must make time for God and give attention to God. He does not give Himself to casual seekers but rather to those who earnestly seek Him in faith, for “without faith it is impossible to please him” (Heb. 11:6). Therefore, you will want to commit yourself to a full engagement of mind and heart in the pursuit of God and make the time necessary to do so. On the critical issue of time, it is important to recognize that life in today’s world is far too busy, pressured, and stressful to be healthy for the soul. While God expects us to give a day’s work for a day’s pay, He also expects us to devote time to seeking to know Him. Through daily quietness before Him in prayer, study, and meditation, we can come to know Him better. Therefore, manage your schedule ruthlessly or it will manage you. Reorder priorities to eliminate things of lesser value. This will almost certainly mean that you need to give up certain things in your life to create the time you need for this pursuit. Remember, anything you say yes to means that you are saying no to something else.  Everyone in the study is expected to be an active member of a local church.
  • God wants us to be truthful before Him in our innermost being (Ps. 51:6). To grow we must open ourselves to Him and remain open, asking Him often to free us from self-deception, to enlighten our ignorance, and to search our hearts and reveal anything we must change or forsake, especially our sins (Ps. 139:23–24). Hidden resentment, bitterness, anger, greed, pride, selfish ambition, sexual lusts and viewing pornography, and any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage are often considered minor issues by us, but they are not minor to God. Indeed, such things grieve the Holy Spirit, hinder our relationship with God and keep us spiritually stagnant. It is therefore especially important to accept God’s definition of sins and to be completely honest with ourselves about where we are violating His will—then turn from our particular sins back to God and His standards for us. Otherwise, we will experience little spiritual growth.
  • We will only grow as we respond to whatever truth God shows us with “the obedience of faith.” Obedience is the fruit of loving Jesus Christ (John 14:15) and a “key that opens all doors” (C.S. Lewis). To be sure, our obedience must flow from love for God and not from servile fear and dread.  But we must obey, nonetheless, lest by contenting ourselves with unlived truth we become increasingly self-deceived (James 1:22–25). If you are living in deliberate disobedience to God’s word in any area of your life, you will not grow until you deal with that sin.
  • As you go through the study, pray often for the Holy Spirit to teach you. Pray before you read the Bible, books, or articles, and before watching the teaching videos. Pray before each small group meeting. Ask God to help you have “ears to hear.” Also pray often that God will work into you (and your group) a genuine desire and determination to do His will from the heart, a courage to face and forsake all that is displeasing to Him, a readiness to embrace all that is good, a prompt, cheerful and trusting obedience, and a passion to see His purposes for your life fulfilled for His glory. If you do this, you can be sure that God will answer you because you will be praying His will (Matt. 7:7–11) and asking for the good things He wants to give you (1 John 5:14–15).

Before the First Meeting

1. Article to Read Prior to Theme 1, Meeting A:

Prior to Theme 1, Meeting A, participants are asked to read the article “The Call to Discipleship,” by Tim Keller, found on the CSLI website (from Knowing & Doing, Winter 2011 (~5 pages)).

2. Obtaining the first books or booklets 

To enable you to begin reading the assigned books/booklets immediately after the first meeting, you may want to purchase (or download) the first five (or more) designated materials in advance. The first five are:

3 2 1: The Story of God, The World and You by Glen Scrivener (10 Publishing)

Habits of Grace by David Mathis (Crossway)

How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit by A.W. Tozer (Moody Publishers)

The Holy Spirit by Kevin DeYoung (The Gospel Coalition)

Two Ways to Live: The Choice We All Face by Phillip D. Jenson and Tony Payne (Matthias Media)

Once you have the books, why wait?  Begin reading.


Next Step: Meeting A – The Grace of God and True Conversion

COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.

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