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Lessons on Grace in a Valley of Grief

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Living a life of contentment depends in part upon one’s expectations, and there’s a disturbing trend among Christians to embrace expectations that are anything but biblical. Set foot in a Christian bookstore, and you’ll see lots of titles about living a life of total enjoyment, staying young, and keeping healthy. One might even believe that with the proper advice from the right guru, you could lead a life free from trouble. But the Bible says nothing of an idyllic or carefree life this side of heaven. In fact, Jesus couldn’t be any clearer in John 16:33 when he tells the disciples, “In this world you will have trouble” (NIV).

Yet we are masters at ignoring this simple truth. We continue to chase that rainbow of a life that was never intended for this world, and we’re keenly disappointed when we run into heartache instead of a pot of gold. And wasn’t this precisely the game plan of the demons in The Screwtape Letters? Screwtape explained to Wormwood, “We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbow’s end.”1. . .


Kristie Jackson

Kristie Jackson, is an attorney, author and C.S. Lewis Institute Fellow. Her books include Sharp Sticks: Essays of Embarrassment and Reflections on Redemption and an advent devotional titled Making Room for the Light. She has spoken on the joys and challenges of motherhood, and the sufficiency of God’s grace in times of suffering. She posts on her website weekly:


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