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George MacDonald

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C.S. Lewis remarks, in George MacDonald: An Anthology, that he doubted whether he had ever written a book in which he did not quote George MacDonald. Lewis states that he made no secret of the fact that he regarded MacDonald as his master.1 Lewis attests to a baptism of his imagination upon reading MacDonald’s Phantastes. Similarly, G.K. Chesterton describes the impact of The Princess and the Goblin with the following words:

I for one can really testify to a book that has made a difference to my whole existence, which helped me to see things in a certain way from the start; a vision of things which even so real a revolution as a change of religious allegiance has substantially only crowned and confirmed.2...


Tanya Ingham

Tanya Ingham, is a teacher at Dominion Christian School in Oakton, Virginia. After completing an M.A. in Philosophy of Religion at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, she served overseas with the Network of International Christian Schools in Thailand and Germany. She completed the C.S. Lewis Institute Year One Fellows Program.


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