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The History of the Care of Souls (2008) - Part 2

"The soul is the essence of human personality. Inside the core sanctum of the soul is where we want the Spirit of Jesus Christ to reside. We often misuse the concept that 'We are made in the likeness and image of God,' in which we believe that God is in us but in real sense it means that we have the propensity for God to live in us."

Enjoy this audio message from Lyle Dorsett on The History of the Care of Souls (2008) - Part 2.  This is part two in a two part series on " The History of the Care of Souls."

Lyle Dorsett

Lyle Dorsett, Professor, holds the Billy Graham Chair of Evangelism at Beeson Divinity School in Samford University. He taught courses in evangelism, spiritual formation and church history. He also serves as the pastor of Christ the King Anglican Church in Homewood, Alabama. Lyle received his PhD in American history and has published numerous books, including several Christian biographies and three works on C. S. Lewis.  

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