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Victory over Circumstances
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When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee. (Isaiah 43.2)
God does not say that because you believe in Him, he will keep you from hardship and suffering. He says, if you trust him, he will strengthen you to meet all the experiences of life in a conquering spirit. You will have secret resources of power to call on when they are needed.
Life is full of hard experiences, bitter disappointments, unexpected losses, grim tragedies. How do Christians face these? Here are several thoughts that may be of help.
1. Evil does not come from God but comes through the sin, malice, callousness, passions, selfishness, and neglect of man. God is not responsible for these.
There are also disasters, calamities and accidents which are the other side of the privilege and joy of living in such a world as this. If there were no spice of risk, there would be no zest of adventure.
2. Sometimes evil comes through the direct malice of man. It is easy to harbour feelings of hate, a desire to be God’s instrument of vengeance. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of a hate like that. For hate desolates both the wronged and the wrongdoer. This work of punishment is not ours but God’s.
It is a perilous position for any man to take up that he is the instrument of the judgement of God. God is working in the hearts of those who have wronged us as well as in our hearts. His mills are grinding out resistlessly the judgements of righteousness. Leave all to God.
The justice of God is far more sure and unerring, for it is the justice of love, a love that will not let men go, but follows them still through all the mazes of their flight from it, till it brings them to redemption. It is this vision of God behind the scenes that calms the heart and takes away the restless heat of rancour and revenge. It is this that helps one to face all in a magnanimous spirit.
3. Circumstances may appear to wreck our lives and God’s plans, but God is not helpless among the ruins. Our broken lives are not lost or useless. God’s love is still working. He comes in and takes the calamity and uses it victoriously, working out his wonderful plan of love. ‘All things work together for good to them that love God.’ He is always master of the situation. There is infinite resourcefulness in the almighty love.
Many a man has become great in spite of, as well as because of, disaster. This is the victory of God’s love, but it does not come to all. It comes to those who keep their faith clear, and their lives clean towards God. It comes to those who keep in touch with the divine love, are linked to the divine will, and look for chances of helping on the purposes they are sure God still has for them. ‘This is the victory that overcomes the world, [the world of disaster] even our faith.'
[Thoughts based on The Victory of God by James Reid.]
Taken from Eric Liddell’s book, The Disciplines of the Christian Life, SPCK Publishing, London, 2009. Reprinted by permission.
Eric Liddell
TeacherEric Liddell, Teacher, (1902 – 1945) was a British Olympic Gold Medalist runner, a Scottish rugby union international player and Christian missionary. He attended the University of Edinburgh. Liddell served as a missionary teacher in additional to competing as a runner in the summer Olympics. Over the years, thousands of people have been inspired not only by Eric’s athletic accomplishment, but also by his integrity, humble service, and faith in Jesus Christ. His story was depicted in the Oscar winning film Chariots of Fire.
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Eric Liddell
TeacherEric Liddell, Teacher, (1902 – 1945) was a British Olympic Gold Medalist runner, a Scottish rugby union international player and Christian missionary. He attended the University of Edinburgh. Liddell served as a missionary teacher in additional to competing as a runner in the summer Olympics. Over the years, thousands of people have been inspired not only by Eric’s athletic accomplishment, but also by his integrity, humble service, and faith in Jesus Christ. His story was depicted in the Oscar winning film Chariots of Fire.