A Digital Advent Calendar

We invite you to join us this Advent season as we draw upon the music and biblical lyrics of Handel’s Messiah to help us prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Each daily devotion will include a biblical text drawn directly from Messiah, a meditation written by one of our gifted CSLI authors, classical artwork for reflection, and music of Messiah performed by The Falls Church Anglican Choir under the musical direction of Simon Dixon, all of which can be experienced on our Website.

Worshiping the Messiah during Advent

Handel’s sacred oratorio known simply as Messiah is performed globally at Christmas and Easter, and its “Hallelujah Chorus” is one of the most recognizable pieces of music ever written. I believe the reason Messiah continues to inspire people today is that its lyrics or “libretto” come directly from the Holy Scriptures. These words, inspired by the Holy Spirit, when sung, as David sang the Psalms, move, convict, and encourage our hearts and minds.  

Advent Calendar

November 28

Let Us Sing of Greater Things

November 29

Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge

November 30

Comfort Ye

December 1

Ev’ry Valley Shall Be Exalted

December 2

And the Glory of the LORD

December 3

Thus Saith the LORD

December 4

But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming?

December 5

And He Shall Purify

December 6

Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive

December 7

O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion

December 8

For, Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth

December 9

The People That Walked in Darkness

December 10

For unto Us a Child Is Born

December 11

There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field

December 12

And, Lo, an Angel of the LORD Came upon Them

December 13

And the Angel Said unto Them

December 14

And Suddenly There Was with the Angel

December 15

Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion

December 16

Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind

December 17

He Shall Feed His Flock like a Shepherd

December 18

His Yoke Is Easy

December 19

Behold the Lamb of God

December 20

All We like Sheep Have Gone Astray

December 21

Lift up Your Heads, O Ye Gates

December 22

How Beautiful Are the Feet

December 23

If God Be for Us

December 24


December 25

Hallelujah (Reprise)

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