This is a collection of all the C.S. Lewis Institutes resources that have been tagged “Biography” and are in order by most recently published at the top.
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C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien and Lewis shared much in common. Both as young boys made close friends with...Read More
Profiles in Faith: George MacDonald
C.S. Lewis remarks, in George MacDonald: An Anthology, that he doubted whether he had ever...Read More
The Model: Becoming More Like Christ
Conformity to the image of God means to become like Jesus: Christlikeness is the eternal...Read More
Profiles in Faith: Edward Dering
Edward Dering (1540-1576) was one of the early models who set the pattern for future...Read More
Mother Teresa: Holiness in the Dark
There is a problem in the life of holiness that for many does not arise...Read More
Profiles in Faith: John Chrysostom
John Crysostom was one of the greatest preachers who ever lived. Rightly called Chrysostomos, “goldenmouth,”...Read More
The Journey of a Great Soul
Jonathan Edwards shares two more remarkable seasons of awakening that he had in the experience...Read More
Profiles in Faith: Justin Martyr (c.100-c.165)
Every generation faces fresh challenges to their faith and witness, many find that other heroes...Read More
Profiles in Faith: Aiden Wilson Tozer (1897 – 1963)
Aiden Wilson Tozer looked almost comically eccentric rather than distinguished, and unless people knew him,...Read More
Profiles in Faith: Latimer (1485-1555) Bradford (1520-1556)
Hugh Latimer is known as the greatest preacher of the English Reformation. He was a...Read More