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Fatherhood of God with Ho Ming Tsui

Rev. Ho Ming Tsui gives insights on The fatherhood of God as primary, unique, and transcendent and thus, in turn, determines what we learn about God from the depiction of the Father in Luke 15, with the goal of moving us toward building a closer relationship with God as Father. Learning to hallow the Father’s name requires us to reflect on the similarities and dissimilarities between God’s fatherhood and all other forms of fatherhood.

Ho-Ming Tsui

Ho-Ming Tsui, Pastor, was born in Kingston, Ontario and moved to Toronto when he was 8. He grew up attending Richmond Hill Christian Community Church (RHCCC) with his family. God called him into ministry during his university years at Queen’s University. After graduation, he attended Tyndale Seminary (M. Div.) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (D. Min.). After serving as a young adults and English pastor, he was appointed lead pastor in 2018. Pastor Ho-Ming heads up the strategic and teaching teams of RHCCC as well as the young life development ministries.


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