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Living the Christian Life

The gospel is the power of God for salvation. Like the seed of a tree the gospel brings life, but it also leads to growth and the production of fruit. In this audio lecture, pastor Rob Norris explains how the gospel grows and bears fruit in the life of the individual and the community of faith.

Discover what it means to live the Christian life by God's grace through the gospel.

Rob Norris

Rob Norris, was Senior Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Maryland from 1984 until 2015. He then transitioned to the role of Teaching Pastor. Prior to coming to Fourth he was Executive Pastor of Programs at First Presbyterian Church, Hollywood, California, Assistant Minister at The City Temple, London, Chaplain to the City of London University, and also as Chaplain to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital.  Originally from Wales, he holds degrees from Kings College, (BA) London, and St. Andrews, Scotland (M.Th., Ph.D) and was ordained jointly by the Presbyterian Church of Wales and United Reformed Church of England and Wales.


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ADVENT CALENDAR: The Amazing Prophecies Fulfilled by the Birth of Jesus Christ

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