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Pursuing God's Call On Your Life with Peter Lau

Pastor Peter Lau shares great principles that can guide you as you follow and seek God’s will for your life.

Peter Lau

Peter Lau is the Pastor of Mandarin Ministry at the Toronto Community Alliance Church (TCAC). In 1999, due to the increasing number of overseas Chinese who spoke Mandarin, the church started a Mandarin ministry. In 2010, TCAC planted a church in Markham, and the Petra Alliance Church was established. Peter received an (M.Div.) in Chinese Pastoral Ministry from Tyndale Theological Seminary and a B.A. in Psychology from McMaster University. His published work includes, Marketplace Ministry (Lausanne Occasional Papers 40), with contributors and editors: Timothy Liu, Gordon Preece, and Wong Siew Li and is published by Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.


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