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The Indwelling Spirit and Authority in Spiritual Conflict

Speaker Rev. Dr. Raymon Hylton shares that God the Father ordained our salvation before the foundation of the world, God the Son purchased our salvation on the cross, and God the Holy Spirit applies our salvation in daily life. The new life in Christ is “life in the Spirit,” that is, life lived in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and it is only through the power of the Spirit that we can overcome sin, resist the devil and be empowered for mission Our greatest need as disciples of Jesus is to be filled daily with the Holy Spirit and allow him to transform us and use us in the world. This lecture was delivered to the C.S. Lewis Fellows of Chicago on Feb. 6, 2021.

Raymond Hylton

Raymond Hylton, is the senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Evanston, IL. He was born in Jamaica and migrated to the United States in 1981 to pursue education. He earned a BA in Pastor Ministry from Taylor University, and MA in Pastoral Leadership from Huntington University, a MDiv from Duke University Divinity School, and a DMin from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Judith, have three grown children, and together they've co-authored the book 5 Disciplines of a Growing Marriage: Falling in Love Again.

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